14th MOISA INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE - In memoriam Andrew Barker
MONDAY 12 JUNE (Palazzo Raimondi, Aula Magna) 8.30–9.00 Arrival and registration 9.00–9.30 Institutional welcome & Conference opening 9.30–10.30 Keynote Lecture 1 Federica Pozzi (Centro per la Conservazione ed il Restauro dei Beni Culturali “La Venaria Reale”) Revealing the Invisible: The Role of Science in the Study of Cultural Heritage 10.30–10.45 Coffee break Panel 1: Modern Technology Applied to Ancient Sources 10.45-11.15 Laurent Capron (Centre Jean Pépin, UMR 8230 – Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, École Normale Supérieure) Project « Musici Scriptores Graeci en ligne (e-MSG) » 11.15–11.45 Chréstos Terzés (Austrian Academy of Sciences) Ancient Greek Musical Scores: A Documented Re-Evaluation of the Sources 11.45–12.15 Claudina Romero Mayorga (Ure Museum, University of Reading) Re-Introducing Music-Making and Dancing in Museum Collections: The Use of 3D Printed Replicas (ONLINE PRESENTATION) 12.15–12.45 Jennifer McLish (Florida State University) and Timothy Moore (WashingtonUniversity in St. Louis) Towards a Database of Greek Dramatic Meters (ONLINE PRESENTATION) 12.45–14.30 Lunch break Panel 2: Ancient/Modern Technologies and Organology 14.30–15.00 Sylvain Perrot (UMR ArcHiMèdE – Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, University of Strasbourg) Better Understanding the Argos Lyres 15.00–15.30 Stelios Psaroudakēs (National & Kapodistrian University of Athens) A Little Chelys from Korinthos 15.30–16.00 Florian Leitmeir (Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg) Searching for Small Trumpets –A Critical Comment on Seneca Ep. 56,4 16.00–16.30 James Thomas Lloyd (Austrian Academy of Sciences) Musical Technologies in the Archaic Mediterranean 16.30–17.00 Coffee break 17.00–18.00 MOISA Annual Meeting (Palazzo Raimondi, Courtyard) 19.00–20.30 Concert Sounds from the Past (Barnaby Brown, Rosa Fragorapti, Stefan Hagel, Kamila Wysłucha, Coro Facoltà di Musicologia conducted by Margherita Bellini) |
TUESDAY 13 JUNE (Palazzo Raimondi, Aula Magna) 9.00–10.00 Keynote Lecture 2 Egert Pöhlmann (University of Erlangen) Tools and Theories for Modern Technology Applied to Ancient Music 10.00–10.15 Coffee break Panel 3: Iconography and Experimental Archaeology 10.15–10.45 Felipe Nascimento de Araujo (University of State of Rio de Janeiro, Université de Strasbourg) The Cultural Memory of the Ancient Musical Performance: An Interdisciplinary Dialogue through the Iconography of the Attic Vase Paintings 10.45–11.15 Fabio Vergara Cerqueira (Federal University of Pelotas) Technical and Aesthetic Aspects of the Apulian Rectangular Cithara according to the Vase-Painting and Terracotta Figurines (ONLINE PRESENTATION) 11.15–11.45 Marco Sciascia (Lotos Lab) Straw, Phragmites, and Data-Logging or Distributed Reed Research 11.45–12.15 Barnaby Brown (Royal Conservatoire of Scotland) Aulos Bass Holes and the Impacts of Technophilia (Museo Archeologico “San Lorenzo”) Panel 4: The Collection of Pompeian Musical Instruments in the Museo Archeologico Nazionale di Napoli (MANN) 14.30–18.30 Session’s opening (Marina Volonté, Conservatrice Museo Archeologico, Coordinatrice Sistema Museale “Cremona Musei”) Eleonora Rocconi (Università di Pavia) The Pompeian Musical Instruments in the National Archeological Museum in Naples: An Interdisciplinary Project Maria Morisco (Museo Archeologico Nazionale di Napoli) News from the Pompeian Musical Collections of the MANN Stefan Hagel and Kamila Wysłucha (Austrian Academy of Sciences) One Pic to Find Them All: Re-Assembling the Nine from Boscoreale Marco Malagodi (Università di Pavia) Diagnostics Applied to Ancient Roman Musical Instruments: Preliminary Results Claudio Canevari and Luciana Festa (Università di Pavia) Preliminary Studies on Documentation and Conservation of Ancient Musical Instruments |
WEDNESDAY 14 JUNE (Palazzo Raimondi, Aula Magna) Panel 5: Musical and Rhythmical Theories 8.30–9.00 Peter Kotiuga (Boston University) Identifying a Cadential Rhythm in Homeric Speech 9.00–9.30 Antonietta Provenza (Università di Palermo) Theatre and the Senses: Listening to the Performance and Reacting to Sounds in the Athenian Theatre 9.30–10.00 Massimo Raffa (Università del Salento) On the Structure and Aims of Two Stringed Devices in Ptol. Harm. II, 2 10.00–10.30 Concluding remarks 11.00–13.00 Guided Visit to the ‘Museo del Violino’ |